Fair Housing Champion Certification

A champion is generally defined as “one who defends, supports and advocates for a cause on behalf of others.” REALTORS®, in the course of their work every day, defend, support, and advocate for homeownership.
As stewards of the American Dream, we know that ensuring fair housing opportunity is more than a list of dos and don’ts, rights and penalties, and mandatory continuing education. It requires knowledge, understanding, and commitment.
The DAR Fair Housing Champion Certification reconfirms your commitment to upholding the Fair Housing Act and to offering equal professional service to all in their search for real property. You can assure your clients of that commitment with certification of Delaware Fair Housing Champion.
Certification Requirements:
• Completion of the NAR Fairhaven Simulation
• View the NAR Implicit Bias Training Video
• Completion of NAR At Home with Diversity (AHWD) Certification
• Participation in at least one REALTORS® REAL TALK Series discussion during a 2-year cycle (i.e., 2024-25, 2026-27)
• Participation in at least one additional diversity-related volunteer effort during a civic/community event or activity
• Subscribe to the NAR Fair Housing Declaration (see below)
Completion of requirements will be affirmed through completion of the application below, on which you will indicate the completion date of each of the requirements and affirm that you subscribe to the NAR Fair Housing Declaration.
I subscribe to the following:
• Provide equal professional service without regard to the race, color, religion, gender (sex), disability (handicap), familial status, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity of any prospective client, customer, or of the residents of any community.
• Keep informed about fair housing law and practices, improving my clients’ and customers’ opportunities and my business.
• Develop advertising that indicates that everyone is welcome and no one is excluded; expanding my client’s and customer’s opportunities to see, buy, or lease property.
• Inform my clients and customers about their rights and responsibilities under the fair housing laws by providing brochures and other information.
• Document my efforts to provide professional service, which will assist me in becoming a more responsive and successful REALTOR®.
• Refuse to tolerate non-compliance.
• Learn about those who are different from me, and celebrate those differences.
• Take a positive approach to fair housing practices and aspire to follow the spirit as well as the letter of the law.
• Develop and implement fair housing practices for my firm to carry out the spirit of this declaration.
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